The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia 馬來西亞中華大會堂總會(華總)
The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Huazong) was founded in 1991 as a non-profit organisation representing the major Chinese associations in all the 13 states in Malaysia. The objectives of Huazong are :
(a) to promote goodwill and unity among the various races in the country;
(b) to discuss and deal with matters of importance and interest to the members;
(c) to offer views on government policies and implmentations affecting its members;
(d) to promote and participate in cultural, educational, social and economic work consistent with the Federal Constitution;
(e) to liaise with other societies having similar objectives.
1. 促進我國各民族親善與團結﹔
2. 商討與處理與會員有關的問題﹔
3. 針對影響會員的政府政策或措施提出意見﹔
4. 在符合聯邦憲法的原則下推動和參與文教、福利、社會及經濟工作﹔
5. 聯絡與本會宗旨相同的社團。

The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM)
The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) is the national level organisation of the Chinese chambers of commerce and industry in Malaysia.
The ACCCIM was founded in 1947 as a society under Malaya’s Societies Act. It has 17 Constituent Chambers located separately in the 13 states of the nation. As at August 2013, direct and indirect membership of all Constituent Chambers are well over 300,000, representing Malaysian Chinese companies, individuals and trade associations.
Main objectives:
(1) To promote liaison and cooperation among the various Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, trade and/or industrial associations and/or business corporations in Malaysia for the protection and advancement of the interests of their members in respect of commerce, industry, primary industries and other economic activities.
(2) To study and formulate views, observations and recommendations of the Malaysian Chinese business community in respect of the nation's socio-economic development, so as to promote better understanding between the community and the Government and other public/private sector organisations, and in furtherance of this objective, to contribute towards the development of national economy and promotion of national unity.
(3) To collect, collate and disseminate information relating to commerce, industry and other economic sectors.
(4) To liaise with other Chambers of Commerce or economic organisations, in particular to organise or participate in meetings relating to economic matters, trade missions, exhibitions and other activities relevant to the promotion of economic cooperation.
(1) 促進馬來西亞各地華人工商會、商團與/或工業團體及/或商業公司的聯絡與合作,共同維護及爭取屬會會員在商業、工業、原產業及其他經濟活動方面的權益和發展。
(2) 研討及擬定馬來西亞華人工商界對國內社會經濟發展問題的見解和建議,借以促進與政府或其他機構或團體間的了解與合作,共同致力於發展國民經濟和加強全民團結。
(3) 匯集、整理及傳播有關工商及其他經濟活動的資料。
(4) 聯絡其他商會或經濟團體,主辦或參加經濟會議、工商考察團、工商展覽會及其他有關促進經濟合作的活動。

Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA) 馬來西亞連鎖協會
MRCA acts as an excellent avenue for retail businesses to network and exchange ideas, share resources and to promote the healthy expansion of the retail industry in Malaysia and abroad.
MRCA aims to create a highly supportive environment to build retail businesses and pool ideas, experiences and efforts to tap on various opportunities in Malaysia as well as abroad. Its vision is to be recognized as one of the most influential retail bodies in Malaysia, supporting the development and globalization of the retail industry.
Since it was established, MRCA has developed into a very strong organisation, comprising of more than 200 leading retail chain stores operators as well as franchisors and covering more than 10,000 outlets throughout Malaysia.
With such a vast network of retail outlets, these members help provide more than 100,000 job opportunities to Malaysians across the country.

Malaysia Entrepreneurs’ Development Association 馬來西亞創業促進會
Malaysia Entrepreneurs’ Development Association (Persatuan Usahawan Maju Malaysia - PUMM) is a multi-racial non-profit making organization. With the support by our former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, PUMM was established in 1993 by a group of young entrepreneurs lead by Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, the CEO of Country Heights Bhd.
The main objective of forming PUMM is to create a valuable platform for entrepreneurs especially those business owners from SMIs and SMEs, to share knowledge, experience, wisdom, and to create new business opportunities through seminars, forums, workshops, business visits, business study trips etc.
Since its forming, PUMM had worked very closely with the government agency to promote the business and economic development in the country especially among the young entrepreneurs. PUMM had managed to helped many young entrepreneurs to realize their vision and played an important role in contributing towards nation economic development. In recognition for PUMM’s effort and contribution, in year 1999, the then Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had directed PUMM to assist in the country’s entrepreneurship in the “Majlis Perundingan Ekonomi Negara Kedua (MAPEN 2)”.
PUMM seek to reap the benefit of the information age by encouraging education facilities to be set up to cater for its manpower needs, and taking affirmative step forward towards making reality platform for Entrepreneurship. In addition it also encourages young Malaysian to instill stronger charisma spirit in facing the challenges of globalization ahead.
馬來西亞創業促進會(簡稱“青創會”) 是國內一家由多元種族組成的協會。它是在1996年社會法令下注冊的非盈利企業機構,並於1993年7月10日正式成立。創會會長為丹斯裡李金友。宗旨在於協助馬來西亞商家,特別是中小型企業的整合與拓展。青創會的任務,就是通過各種企業活動如企業教育,企業論壇,商業交流會,商機對話,經驗分享,國際商團聯系、海外經貿考察等活動以凝聚和整合馬來西亞青年企業家的力量與資源,以便面對全球化的挑戰,並協助會員們在全球競爭中運籌帷幄,御風而上。

Branding Association of Malaysia 馬來西亞品牌協會
The Branding Association was founded over a decade ago with the noble goal of developing the potential of Malaysian brands to be successful ventures in the global market. Our vision - then and now - is to achieve 100 internationally acclaimed brands as members by the year 2020.
The Branding Association has worked steadily towards this vision in many ways, including - but not limited to - steadily enlarging our membership base, providing learning and education platforms, organising business networking programs, offering members branding opportunities through media tie-ups and working closely with government agencies.
We have established a runway for Malaysian brands to take off and rise above others in achieving their presence and connectivity across all continents of the world. The Branding Association of Malaysia reaches out to all local SME companies to aid them in bringing out their full potentials as premium-value brands.
Our objectives, therefore, are as follows:
To spearhead a branding movement, especially amongst the SME communities
To establish a conducive business networking environment for members
To organise learning platforms such as forums, workshops and conferences
To serve as a communication bridge between business communities and government agencies
To this day, the Branding Association of Malaysia remains an association which is unified, with a strong foundation provided by companies and entrepreneurs possessing strong branding expertise, in order to formulate and open a solid gateway to the modern business world for all Malaysian brands – big or small – to find their long-dreamt of success.
十多前成立的大馬品牌協會,擁有一個崇高的宗旨,即開發大馬品牌潛能成為全球市場上的成功業者。我們 恆久不變的願景,是在2020年之前能夠擁有100家享譽國際的品牌作為我們的會員。
─ 在國內推展品牌運動,特別是中小型企業社群。
─ 為會員創制一個有利的商業聯絡環境。
─ 舉辦研討會、工作營和大型會議等學習平台。
─ 作為企業與政府機構之間的一座溝通平台。

To transform small and medium industries, enterprises and businesses into economic powerhouse of the country by 2020
To instill and eventually ingrain deeply the concept of “learning organization” into small and medium industries, enterprises and businesses and encourage them to be export-oriented
• To advocate the interest and needs of small and medium enterprises in Malaysia
• To promote and develop SMEs in Malaysia
• To organize SMEs into a more cohesive group with greater voice
• To improve the efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and performance of SMEs through a series of well-planned resource development programmes and roadshows
SMI Association of Malaysia was established on 13th July 1995 with the objective of promoting the interest of small and medium-sized industries in Malaysia
Since its inception, the SMI Association of Malaysia has been active in organizing relevant conference, seminars, roadshows exhibition, SME Recognition Award, Trade Missions, Business Matching, dialogs with Government ministries and agencies, and other projects to disseminate information to its members and SMI operators in the country.
It also has its own website at http://www.smisme.com and facebook page at facebook.com/SMISMEMalaysia. Its present membership consists of about 800 organizations and over 3,000 direct and indirect SME members nationwide.

Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance (MICG) was established in March 1998 following recommendation by the High Level Finance Committee on Corporate Governance. It is a non-profit public company limited by guarantee, with founding members consisting of the Federation of Public Listed Companies (FPLC), Malaysian institute of Accountants (MIA), Malaysian Association of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA), Malaysian institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (MAICSA), and Malaysian Institute of Directors (MID).
MICG’s mandate is to raise the awareness and practice of good corporate governance in Malaysia. The Report on Corporate Governance published by the High Level Finance Committee in March 1998 stipulates MICG as ‘The Recognized Corporate Governance Training Centre’ (CGTC). Being a company limited by guarantee, MICG does not have share capital. It is also an independent and neutral body with no affiliation.
The President of MICG is Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Megat Najmuddin Bin Haji Megat Khas. He has held the position since 1998.
馬來西亞企業監管協會(MICG)是於1998年3月在企業監管高級金融委員會的建議下成立的。它是一個非營利性的擔保有限公共公司,其創始會員包括公共上市公司聯會(FPLC),馬來西亞會計師協會(MIA),馬來西亞注冊公共會計師協會(MICPA),馬來西亞特許秘書與行政人員協會(MAICSA )和馬來西亞董事協會(MID)。
MICG授權於提升馬來西亞良好企業監管的醒覺和實踐。高級金融委員會在1998年3月發布的企業監管報告中規定MICG為‘受認可的企業監管培訓中心’(CGTC)。 MICG是一個沒有股本的擔保有限公司。它也是一個沒有聯盟的獨立及中立機構。

Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce 馬來西亞-中國總商會簡介
Founded in 1990, Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) is a non-government, non-profit, multi-ethnic and independent business association.
MCCC aims at promoting economic and trade development as well as bilateral investment between Malaysia and China; strengthening our relationships with government agencies and various chambers of commerce in Malaysia and China; and safeguarding the interests of our members.
Currently, MCCC has 1,800 corporate members, covering trade, manufacturing, finance, agriculture, real estate, tourism, education, consultation and other industries. MCCC has set up nine branches in the States of Malacca, Perak, Johor, Penang , Terengganu, Sabah, Sarawak, Kelantan and Pahang.
In addition to frequent reception of delegations from various provinces and cities in China, we also organized, co-organized or participated in commodity exhibitions, economic, trade and investment fairs and conferences in Malaysia and China, such as the Canton Fair, China-ASEAN Expo, Central China Expo, West China Expo,China Jilin-Northeast Asia Investment and Trade Expo, China International Fair for Investment & Trade(Xiamen), Ningxia Halal Food & Product International Expo,China(Qinhai) Halal Food & Product International Expo, Kunming Trade Expo,China International Small and Medium Enterprises Fair as well as the Guangdong 21st Century Maritime Silk Road International Expo, so on and so forth.
Under the premise of creating a win-win situation, MCCC will continue our dedication to promote Sino-Malaysia economic and trade development and investment cooperation!

PUCM (PERSATUAN USAHAWAN CHINA Di MALAYSIA) was founded in 2015 under Malaysia Society Act .
The Association aims :
(a) To promote business interest of China Entrepreneurs in Malaysia.
(b) To promote business co-operation between China and Malaysia.
(c) To promote investment and joint venture with Malaysia Entrepreneurs in Malaysia and/or in third countries.
(d) To acquire hold deal with or dispose off all immoveable properties for the furtherance of the Association's objects.
(e) To raise funds for the activities of the Association or in furtherance of the Association's objects.
(f) To enhance the communication and exchange with Malaysia government departments.
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.pucm.my
Wechat: pucm88