The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia 馬來西亞中華大會堂總會(華總)
The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Huazong) was founded in late 1991 as a leading Chinese national organization by the 13 State Chinese Assembly Halls in Malaysia. Its establishment is a long awaited result in realization of the common aspiration of the Chinese community.
Currently there are over 10,000 registered Chinese associations in Malaysia. Most of them are dialects groups, surname groups, trade associations, cultural and educational bodies. These associations are also the direct members of the respective Chinese Assembly Halls in various states, and indirectly members of Huazong. In other words, Huazong becomes the leading Chinese organization focuses in matters related to culture, education, economy and social of the Chinese community.
The 13 members of Huazong are as follows:
1. Perlis Chinese Assembly Hall
2. Kedah Chinese Assembly Hall
3. Penang Chinese Town Hall
4. Perak Chinese Assembly Hall
5. The Kuala Lumpur And Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
6. Negeri Sembilan Chinese Assembly Hall
7. Malacca Chinese Assembly Hall
8. The Federation of Chinese Associations, Johore State
9. The Federation of Chinese Associations of Kelantan
10. The Chinese Assembly Hall Terengganu
11. The Associated Of Chinese Associations Pahang
12. The Federation of Chinese Associations Sabah
13. The Federation of The Chinese Associations Sarawak
The objectives of Huazong are as follows:
- To promote goodwill and unity among the various ethnics in the country.
- To discuss and deal with matters of importance and interest to the members.
- To offer views on government policies and implementations affecting its members.
- To promote and participate in cultural, educational, social and economic work consistent with the Federal Constitution.
- To liaise with other societies having similar objectives as those of the Association in furtherance of the above objectives.
The objectives of Huazong and the 13 Chinese Assembly Halls encompass all aspects of cultural, educational, social and economic work while other Chinese associations are classified according to categories or objectives, namely dialect groups, surname groups, social welfare, culture, religions, trade, sports, youth, education etc.
For the past 26 years, we are proud of our achievements in various fields. With the support and cooperation offered by the Chinese community, we have successfully expressed the wishes of the Chinese community to the Government. We also voice
out the opinions and the stand of the Chinese community on politics, economics, culture, education, social and religion, so that the problems faced by the Chinese community can be given timely concerns.
Huazong has frequently met with Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Director General of Government agencies to discuss problems and issues faced by Chinese community.
Besides, Huazong has set up several cultural funds and education funds to sponsor various cultural projects, as well as to provide study loans and scholarship to needy students.
The Malaysia Chinese Cultural Festival is the most successful event organized by Huazong and the 13 State Chinese Assembly Halls. The Malaysian Chinese Cultural Festival was first held in Selangor in 1984, after that it has become a yearly event organized by the 13 State Chinese Assembly Halls in rotation.
The activities and programs of the Malaysian Chinese Cultural Festival including lantern marching parades, cultural and literature seminars and lectures, cultural performances like various cultural dancing and singing from all races, lion dance
or dragon dance, lantern making competitions, spring couplets and Chinese Calligraphy competitions, traditional Chinese martial arts demonstration, fashion show of Chinese costumes, traditional handycrafts exhibitions, food carnivals and food fairs.
Recently we have made the Malaysian Chinese Cultural Festival to reflect the roots and cultures of the various ethnics. The Malay and Indian cultural organizations have been invited to contribute some of the programs like Indian cultural dance or traditional Malay wedding reception and Dikir Barat performance. The
Programs presented are usually portraying the “1 Malaysia” spirit of unity. We also invited the state Tourism Board to participate in the festival.
We believe that these activities will help in generating a greater interest of the public in Chinese cultural and also to promote a better understanding among various ethnics in Malaysia.

The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM)
The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) is the national level organisation of the Chinese chambers of commerce in the country. It has 17 Constituent Members located separately in the 13 states of the nation. In fact ACCCIM is the earliest national level chamber of commerce to have a complete regional representation in the country.
The ACCCIM was founded on 2nd July 1921 as a society under Malaya's Societies Act. Direct and indirect membership of all Constituent Chambers are well over 100,000, representing Malaysian Chinese companies, individuals and trade associations in particular and the Chinese business community in general.
The ACCCIM’s objectives as provided in the Constitution are as follows:
(1) To promote liaison and cooperation among the various Chinese chambers of commerce and industry, trade and/or industrial associations and/or business corporations in Malaysia for the protection and advancement of the interests of their members in respect of commerce, industry, primary industries and other economic activities;
(2) To study and formulate views, observations and recommendations of the Malaysian Chinese business community in respect of the nation's socio-economic development, so as to promote better understanding between the community and the Government and other public/private sector organizations, and in furtherance of this objective, to contribute towards the development of national economy and promotion of national unity;
(3) To collect, collate and disseminate information relating to commerce, industry and other economic sectors;
(4) To liaise with other chambers of commerce or economic organisations, in particular to organise or participate in meetings relating to economic matters, trade missions, exhibitions and other activities relevant to the promotion of economic cooperation;
(5) To promote social welfare activities as well as organise or sponsor manpower training programmes or seminars beneficial to the economic development of the nation;
(6) To arbitrate in the matter of disputes between members of ACCCIM (with the consent of both parties);
(7) To receive and/or accept donations, gifts, grants, subsidies, securities listed in the stock exchange and any other instruments of value and to hold the same for investment and/or deal with the same
(8) To perform any other services pertinent to the functions of ACCCIM.
The collaboration network of ACCCIM is very wide. ACCCIM has up to July 2017, signed 73 Memorandums of Understanding or Economic Cooperation Agreements with overseas chambers of commerce and economic organisations. ACCCIM has enhanced relationship with Chinese chambers of commerce all around the world after successfully organising the 7th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (7th WCEC) in 2003, currently is a member of World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) Advisory Committee. ACCCIM is a member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Malaysia.
ACCCIM is a member of National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (NCCIM), an apex organisation comprising five principal private sector bodies namely Malay Chamber of Commerce Malaysia (MCCM), ACCCIM, Malaysian Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MAICCI), Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI) and Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM)
ACCCIM maintains close rapport with Government Ministries and Agencies as a channel for consultation over a wide range of issues, and participate in many consultative panels, dialogues, seminars etc. with the Government. ACCCIM regularly interact with Chinese based political parties and other major Chinese associations in Malaysia to discuss and exchange ideas on issues affecting the Chinese community.
The ACCCIM has established a Socio-Economic Research Centre (SERC Sdn. Bhd.) in 2010 as a think-tank to carry out research on economic issues in order for ACCCIM to make concrete and strategic suggestions to the Government and effectively contribute to the development of the national economy of Malaysia.
The representative, consultative and service functions of the ACCCIM have been widely acknowledged. As the ACCCIM is an organisation that brings together diversified interests of the business community (including wholesale and retail sector, foreign trade sector, industrial sector, services as well as the primary sector of the economy), it endeavors to reconcile divergent view-points and economic interests to the advantage of all.

Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA) 馬來西亞連鎖協會
MRCA acts as an excellent avenue for retail businesses to network and exchange ideas, share resources and to promote the healthy expansion of the retail industry in Malaysia and abroad.
MRCA aims to create a highly supportive environment to build retail businesses and pool ideas, experiences and efforts to tap on various opportunities in Malaysia as well as abroad. Its vision is to be recognized as one of the most influential retail bodies in Malaysia, supporting the development and globalization of the retail industry.
Since it was established, MRCA has developed into a very strong organisation, comprising of more than 400 leading retail chain stores operators as well as franchisors and covering more than 25,000 outlets throughout Malaysia.
With such a vast network of retail outlets, these members help provide more than 150,000 job opportunities to Malaysians across the country.

Malaysia Entrepreneurs’ Development Association 馬來西亞創業促進會
Malaysia Entrepreneurs’ Development Association (Persatuan Usahawan Maju Malaysia - PUMM) is a multi-racial non-profit making organization. With the support by our former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, PUMM was established in 1993 by a group of young entrepreneurs lead by Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, the CEO of Country Heights Bhd.
The main objective of forming PUMM is to create a valuable platform for entrepreneurs especially those business owners from SMIs and SMEs, to share knowledge, experience, wisdom, and to create new business opportunities through seminars, forums, workshops, business visits, business study trips etc.
Since its forming, PUMM had worked very closely with the government agency to promote the business and economic development in the country especially among the young entrepreneurs. PUMM had managed to helped many young entrepreneurs to realize their vision and played an important role in contributing towards nation economic development. In recognition for PUMM’s effort and contribution, in year 1999, the then Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had directed PUMM to assist in the country’s entrepreneurship in the “Majlis Perundingan Ekonomi Negara Kedua (MAPEN 2)”.
PUMM seek to reap the benefit of the information age by encouraging education facilities to be set up to cater for its manpower needs, and taking affirmative step forward towards making reality platform for Entrepreneurship. In addition it also encourages young Malaysian to instill stronger charisma spirit in facing the challenges of globalization ahead.

Branding Association of Malaysia 馬來西亞品牌協會
The Branding Association of Malaysia was founded in 2000 with the noble goal of developing the potential of Malaysian brands in order to allow them to be successful in the modern global market. Our vision - then and now - is to achieve 100 internationally acclaimed brands as members by the year 2020.
Branding Association works steadily towards this vision in many ways, including - but not limited to - providing learning and education platforms, organising business networking programmes, offering members branding opportunities through media tie-ups and working closely with government agencies.
We set the runway for Malaysian brands to rise above in achieving their presence and connectivity across all continents of the world. Branding Association of Malaysia reaches out to local SME companies to aid in bringing out their potential as valuable brands.
Our objectives, therefore, are as follows:
• To spearhead a branding movement, especially amongst the SME communities
• To establish a conducive business networking environment for members
• To organise learning platforms such as forums, workshops and conferences
• To serve as a communication bridge between business communities and government agencies
Since our inception, we have been advocating unity among our members in order to allow us to better position ourselves on issues and policies that may hinder Malaysian SME’s as a whole. Apart from achieving branding goals, our members will enjoy the benefits of being part of a unified voice that encourages effectiveness and change.
The Branding Association is also an effective vehicle for promoting trust and cooperation among small and medium brands. This enables them to share branding strategies and gather more input towards building themselves into successful brands – as individuals and as a whole.
The Branding Association was realised with the primary purpose of acting as a unified community, comprised of proud Malaysian SMEs, equipped with strong branding expertise and working together to open the gateway to the modern business world for all Malaysian brands.

SME Association of Malaysia (SME Malaysia) was inaugurated on July 13, 1995 as SMI Association of Malaysia at a time when manufacturing sector was still the dominant economic driver of Malaysia. In recognition of the growing importance of service and agricultural industries, the membership was opened to service and agricultural sectors later with a corresponding name change to SME Association of Malaysia.
Since its inauguration, SME Malaysia has organized numerous international conferences, seminars and exhibitions for the benefits of SMEs. SME Malaysia’s annual award series, the Platinum Business Awards, has the main purpose to inspire, nudge and spur SMEs to scale greater height. SME Malaysia is also actively engaging with various Ministries and government agencies to promote interests of SMEs and in particular, SME Malaysia, has been highlighting issues confronting SMEs in dialogeus with various Ministries and government agencies.
Symboliszation of Association’s logo
The black and red colours in the sign signify versatility, maturity, vitality and passion of SMEs in building a better future. Double red arrow in the letter “E” reflects dynamic, strong and enthusiastic leadership at the Association.
To transform small and medium industries, enterprises and businesses into the economic powerhouse of the country by 2020.
To instill, and eventually ingrain deeply, the concept of a learning organisation in small and medium industries, enterprises and businesses, and encourge them to be export-oriented.
• To foster the establishment and development of SME to make the SME sector one of the engines of economic growth;
• To act as a medium to facilitate interaction between SMEs and the Government, large companies, international corporations in Malaysia, and foreign corporations;
• To strengthen economic ties between SMEs as well as provide opportunities for growth in the SME sector;
• To disseminate information to SMEs in respect of various financial, technical assistance, and training offered by the Government, financial institutions and private sector;
• To assist SMEs in enhancing operational efficiency and fostering professionalism;
• To assist SMEs in the marketing and promotion of their products at the national and international levels, including the creation of new markets.

The National ICT Association of Malaysia (PIKOM)
PIKOM, THE NATIONAL ICT ASSOCIATION OF MALAYSIA is the association representing the information and communications technology (ICT) industry in Malaysia. Its membership currently stands at 800+ comprising companies involved in a whole spectrum of ICT products and services which commands 80% of the total ICT trade in Malaysia. As a non-profit organization, PIKOM is managed by a team of Council elected by the members every year during the Annual General Meeting. PIKOM works to improve the business climate in the interests of all its member companies and to promote industry growth in line with national aspirations.
For more information, visit www.pikom.org.my

Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance 馬來西亞企業監管協會
Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance’s mission is to be the leading advocate of Corporate Governance in Malaysia.
MICG’s principal activities are to promote and encourage corporate governance development, provide education and training for the benefit of its members and other interested institutions or bodies in Malaysia.
MICG was established in March 1998 following recommendation by the High Level Finance Committee on Corporate Governance. The Institute was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee, with founding members consisting of the Federation of Public Listed Companies (FPLC), Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA), Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (MAICSA), and Malaysian Institute of Directors (MID).
Please visit our website www.micg.org.my for more info.

Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce 馬來西亞-中國總商會簡介
Founded in 1990, Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) is a non-governmental, non-profit, multi-ethnic and independent business association.
MCCC aims at promoting interaction, cooperation and development in trade, investment and other industrial and commercial fields between Malaysia and China as well as protecting the interests of our members.
MCCC has 9 branches in different states: Malacca, Perak, Johor, Penang, Terengganu, Sabah, Sarawak, Kelantan and Pahang. Currently, MCCC has over 1,800 corporate members, covering trade, manufacturing, finance, agriculture, real estate, tourism, education, consultation and other industries.
Following the rise of China, MCCC has become increasingly important as a platform to promote Sino-Malaysian economic and trade development. On top of forming tight cooperation with government agencies such as the Ministry of International Trade And Industry Malaysia, Ministry of Finance Malaysia, Ministry of Tourism Malaysia, business associations and China Enterprises Association in Malaysia, we also maintain close relationship with relevant Chinese government agencies such as the Economic & Commercial Counsellor’s Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council (OCAOSC), All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade(CCPIT), China Overseas Exchange Association (COEA ), China-ASEAN Expo Secretariat, China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit Secretariat, China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, China International Cooperation Association of SMES (Cicasme), China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (CAEFI) and so forth.
With the support of Guangdong Tourism Bureau, MCCC has been appointed as the Guangdong Tourism Cooperation and Promotion Center Malaysia since 2014. In addition, from the beginning of 2015, MCCC was commissioned by the Chengdu Overseas Exchange Association (CDOEA) to become its Overseas Liaison Office.
In addition to frequent reception of delegations from various provinces and cities in China, MCCC also organizes, co-organizes or participates in exhibitions, trade and investment fairs, such as Canton Fair, China-ASEAN Expo, Expo Central China, Western China International Fair, China-Northeast Asia Expo, China International Fair for Investment & Trade (CIFIT), China Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair, China (Ningxia) International Halal Food/Muslim Commodities Festival and the Investment & Trade Fair, China (Qinghai) International Halal Food and Products Fair, East China Fair, Kunming Fair, Yiwu Imported Commodities Fair, China International Small and Medium Enterprises Fair, Guangdong 21st Century Maritime Silk Road International Expo and so forth.
Under the premise of creating a win-win situation, MCCC will continue to promote the Sino-Malaysia economic and trade development and investment cooperation.

China Entrepreneurs Association in Malaysia (PUCM) founded in 2015, is China Entrepreneurs Association under the Malaysia Society Act . The association was founded aiming to promote common development for the China entrepreneurs and to safeguard the legitimate interests of China entrepreneurs in Malaysia.
Its purpose is to promote mutual contacts and exchanges between Chinese enterprises, increase mutual exchange and communication between China and Malaysia corporate business sectors, expand economic and trade cooperation with Malaysia and safeguard legitimate rights and interests of China enterprises; and to strengthen the Malaysian government sector dialogues and exchanges, guidance and coordination of Chinese enterprises to legitimate business, fair competition, coordinate and solve major business problems .
There is a great close relationship between PUCM and both China and Malaysia governments. Community organizations maintain good relations and close ties to provide the necessary advices and services to members of the Federation and other organizations and individuals who have interested in investing in Malaysia or China.